Have you ever witnessed a feat of human strength so incredible it’s etched in your brain? Maybe you saw something in the most recent Olympics, or watched “Grandma rips phonebook in half” on YouTube, and thought “how does someone do that?” I’ve recently witnessed something even more impressed: movers. My family and I recently moved homes (after living with my in-laws, another great feat) and in the midst of a 90-degree July day in Cincinnati, I watched movers complete feats of strength I thought unimaginable. Oh, you weigh 130 lbs. but it’s no biggie to toss a 700lb dresser on your back and walk it up a flight of stairs? I found myself both incredibly grateful to the team that moved us in, but also incredibly sore from just watching.
There is a rhythm and flow to how they pack up, and unpack, incredibly seamlessly. Things just get loaded up and unloaded. No one steps on anyone or forgets where something goes, no one is shouting “PIVOT PIVOT” at anyone, and nothing breaks. I won’t call this process “elegant” because its pretty sweaty, but it is pretty impressive to see. It’s also something I never want to do on my own.
There’s a lot less sweat at RKCA, but our team is incredible too. I’m taking a bit of a departure from our series on Selling Your Business to give a shout out to the crew here at RKCA. When I joined in late 2018, we were a smaller crew. Over the last two and half years we’ve added nine new hires.
Despite all our hires, I’m pretty sure no one here can carry 5x their body weight in furniture on their back. However, we can do a whole lot of heavy lifting when it comes to the work we do. We have individuals with deep financial and technical skills, operational expertise, tax, strategy, and more. Along with the headcount additions, we have also grown, receiving a 2021 Fast 55 Honoree Award (1) for 57% year-over-year (YoY) growth from 2019-2020. Thanks to all our clients for making that a reality.
Just like watching a mover hoist a table on their back and think “he made that look easy,” a person in my network recently made the same comment to me about our growth and the Fast 55 award. But I don’t think you just suddenly can lift 5x your body weight and I also know that you just don’t suddenly blink and grow a company. Having spent time running a business and now inside of RKCA working with our clients, it is my opinion that the most durable results happen as a series of good decisions that accumulate one upon another over a very long period, that create a massive compounding effect.
At first, it’s like pushing a giant heavy object (like a washing machine on a dolly), and no one pays any attention because it’s just one giant slow, creaky push. But you keep pushing, and you adjust the balance of the weight, and tighten a few straps, and come in at a new angle, and suddenly you are picking up momentum.
We’ve had the unique privilege at RKCA over the last several years to be compounding in both our headcount, our size, our talents, our knowledge, and our experience. I think we have some collective work to do in the gym to be able to start lifting dressers with ease, but what we do know is that we will continue to compound and grow in our abilities. Our mission is to help business owners realize their life’s work. If you or someone you know is looking for some heavy lifting to move, I can point you to a 1-800 number. If you or someone you know is looking for some heavy lifting to help realize their life’s work, call 513-371-5533.
If you, or someone in your network wants to learn more about what we do, email me at nursic@rkca.com
(1) The Cincinnati Business Courier’s Fast 55 Award recognizes the fastest-growing privately held companies in the greater Cincinnati region.
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